Taylor Morton • February 12, 2023
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Going into business for yourself can be a difficult journey, especially when you experience setbacks along the way. However, as a photographer and wedding photographer, I have learned that these experiences are invaluable opportunities to learn more about myself and my business. Here are three lessons I have learned about owning a business from going through the hardest stage in my life.
You Will Never Fail Yourself
One of the biggest lessons I have learned while running my own business is that no matter how many obstacles or challenges arise, you will never fail yourself. It’s critical to trust your instincts and push forward, even when it feels like giving up or quitting might be easier. Even when things don’t go as planned—and sometimes they won’t—you can still come out ahead if you stay focused on achieving your goals.
It’s Okay to be Open and Honest With Your Clients
When things don’t go according to plan, it’s important to be open and honest with your clients about what happened. They need to know that their trust in you is well-placed; otherwise, they may not come back for another project or recommendation. Establishing an honest relationship with your clients will also help them understand why certain decisions were made and why certain processes took longer than expected.
Setbacks Don’t Define Who You Are
Additionally, I’ve learned that setbacks don’t define who you are as an entrepreneur or photographer—they’re just part of the process of learning what works best for your business. Instead of seeing these experiences as failures, try viewing them as opportunities to learn and grow as a person and entrepreneur. The key is to stay positive throughout any setback and use it as an opportunity to become better.
No matter how hard things get when running a business—and believe me, I’ve been there—it’s important to remember that success doesn’t come easy. But by staying focused on achieving your goals, being open and honest with your clients, and using setbacks as learning opportunities rather than failures, you can find success despite whatever life throws at you!
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