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Photography Education • October 24, 2022 

The Basics of Finding Your Ideal Photography Client and Marketing to Them

Are you trying to figure out who your ideal client is? This article will help you find out what that person looks like, how they think, and the questions they will ask.

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Photography Education, Vow to your business podcast • September 26, 2022 

The #1 lens I recommend to all wedding photographers

Starting your wedding photography business and not sure what lens to buy? Look no further! Here is the one lens that I recommend to all wedding photographers.

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Photography Education, Vow to your business podcast • September 26, 2022 

3 Tips to Help You Grow Actual Followers Organically on Instagram

Ready to take your Instagram account to the next level? These three simple tips will help you grow followers organically and see results!

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Photography Education, Uncategorized, Vow to your business podcast • September 26, 2022 

Feeling alone in your photography business journey? Here is how I got here and a little about me.

No one ever said that starting their own photography business was going to be easy. It takes perseverance, patience, motivation, hard work and lots of late nights. But it can be done! These are a few tips on how to get

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Photography Education • September 12, 2022 

The One Thing I Wish I Would Have Done Differently as an Entrepreneur

the one thing I wish I would have done differently from the beginning of my business would definitely be niching down and figuring out who my ideal client was. I think if I would have done that 8 years ago I would have saved myself a lot of stress and would have been able to serve my clients better.

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Photography Education • September 4, 2022 

Why I Chose a Facebook Group for My Photography Coaching Business

Why I chose to start a Facebook group for my photography coaching business instead of a Facebook page.

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Photography Education • August 29, 2022 

4 Things You Need to Include in Your Instagram Bio for Maximum Impact

As a small business owner, you know the importance of instagram. It’s a great way to connect with potential customers and create relationships with them. But, if you’re not including all the necessary information in your instagram bio, you’re missing out on a lot of potential leads. In this blog post, we will discuss 4 things that you need to include in your instagram bio for maximum impact!

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